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As you take it off my shoulders, the door to the kitchen opens at the same time as some other guests enter the premises and a breeze of cold evening air makes me shiver. You look down and realise that I couldn’t possibly be wearing a bra. My nipples are very hard and the slinky fabric of the dress does nothing to conceal that fact. With the special lightening, you think you can even see the rich dark red, almost purple colour of them shining through the dress, and you have to swallow hard and focus on something else.Thankfully, the waiter appears and shows us to our table. As I get off the stool and turn around, you can’t help but check out my firm butt. My dress clings to me and you immediately focus on my neck again. We sit down at our table, the waiter reads the specials and we order some food and wine. As he leaves, you accidentally drop your napkin. As you bend down to pick it up, you can’t help but look at my long, slim legs. And for a split second you’re Michael Douglas in. Now, mind you, that’s putting another $50 million out there, so we’ll just have to see.”“Good lord. Damn straight, you want some losses. I’ll get on the phone, first thing in the morning.” He shook his head. “But, that’s not why I came out here. That was very artfully done, distracting me like that. Now, what the hell did you do last night?”“Okay, I admit it.” He looked shocked at my statement. “The girls and I waited until all of you left, then moved the rest of their clothes over here, from the other house. That way, we’d be totally out of there, before Emily and Harry get back.”“Fine, you’re going to be that way. What do you know about what I saw on TV this morning? Face the Nation and Meet the Press were both talking about it. They even showed leaked footage from a security camera.”“I don’t know anything about that. We won’t have cable until tomorrow at some time. Getting a good night’s sleep, then a good breakfast after working so hard yesterday while moving, were our priorities.
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